Here’s how you can browse, keep your data safe and earn crypto.

Shivraj Gurbakshani
2 min readDec 3, 2021
brave browser logo

You heard it right. The founder of Mozilla firefox Brendan Eich has come up with something really cool.

He has developed a browser known as Brave which doesn’t breach your browsing data and also pays you with its crypto currency Basic attention token.

The name itself suggests that the trade of attention has been compensated with a crypto currency that has a market value of 118.49 INR as of today.

The price prediction of it stated by the authoritative agencies and crypto geeks is of 350 inr by 2028.

Basic attention token also has its application which makes it more secure.

It was established to get order in the world of digital advertising where the manipulation of users data, privacy and the effect it is having on the revenues of digital marketers is worth note taking.

According to the survey the cost for mobile advertising has surged upto 23$ and there is loss of 60% of the revenue for traditional publishers due to the mal-practises that are going on in the world of digital advertising.

It is beneficial both for the user and the advertiser, you can pay with basic attention crypto to the creators whose content you enjoy and help them contribute more to the respective community.

It is mainly based on attention based economics on blockchain, which is getting quite useful and popular in the world of tech.\

