Breaking the cycle of past and future.

Shivraj Gurbakshani
3 min readMay 3, 2021

If you have made some terrible mistakes in your life I want you to know you rank really below than you think.

As a species of being human we have somehow left the fact unchecked of how much we have been disqualifying the good qualities we have of ourselves and magnifying the bad ones.

This distortion in our vision mostly happens due to our past being constantly on our shoulders and taking us into stories that we are done with long ago. We somehow think the past was better than the present, this is because of our inability to live in the present. To easily engage into the present is to do an activity that you like. That grabs your attention and helps you to engage in now.

Something that has happened in the past can't be changed and accepting this as a scientific fact will do you more good unless you are really really inspired by avengers endgame.

I recently read an amazing book called finding awareness by amit pagedar where the author dives into this scenario and helps us give a perfect anchor for a situation like this.

He says when your past is overwhelming you, you just have to say this sentence to yourself

“This is the past leaving”

Also I came up with this funny reminder I have made where I tell myself that if making decisions based on your past is like driving a car while looking behind, which unless you are a very pro driver is not possible.

If you don’t know how to laugh and are dead serious about changing something in your life I would like to tell you that a dead man doesn’t have a life.

Now the way i see my past which i don’t want to but helplessly if i get dragged into it then i take it as an indicator that, this is the kind of behaviour does not align with me and i take a note of it to not repeat it in the future.

It can be as simple as speaking what i feel and avoiding the deception it has caused.

Now if you are okay with your past you might be worried about the future.

Future is nothing but conforming to a standard which we have set for ourselves which is not a bad thing until………….you are hurting yourself and others in the process of it.

Your future self should be your friend not a ghost whose presence gets you on the wrong turn.

If you imagine your future self and have a dialogue for the direction you will get answers within seconds.

You can ask What should I do now that will make you happy?!

How Different you want the reality to be from what it is now?

And then you have to take the smallest step in that direction.

